My Learning Object

Earth Day Celebration

Earth day: Tuesday April 22nd

Earth day is a celebration of our world and its beauties. As Catholics it is a time for us to reflect on and give thanks for what God has created. 

Earth day is also a time to bring awareness on how our world is changing and how we can work proactively to become stewards of the environment. We  need to educate younger generations on how to reset the environment.

The following link is an Earth Day Liturgy Prezi

Visual Arts Connection

Using Earth Day as inspiration, students will be required to design and create 3D animal models. Students must select an animal that is endangered due to environmental factors. Students are required to build these models using only recycled materials.

Students will participate in a gallery walk where students will present their art piece and see peer creations. Students will be responsible for presenting the following information using Prezi programming:
  • Name/ describe the animal chosen
  • Describe why the animal is endangered (what factors contributed to it endangerment)
  • Possible solutions
  • Materials used
  • Elements and Principles of design  


EDUC 8Y24 has exposure me to and allowed me to explore Prezi. From this experience I have learned how to create my own Prezi presentation. I have created an Earth Day Liturgy which will be shared with the school at the Earth day celebration. This technology brings a visual element to the celebration. Furthermore it allows staff, students and guests in attendance to follow along with the liturgy and participate in the responses. Included in the presentation is a youtube clip which provides music and sets the tone of the celebration. This feature is great as it allows users to integrate multi media into their Prezi presentations.

In the future I will continue to use the Prezi tool as a way of creating dynamic presentations for staff, students and parents in addition to incorporating Prezi as a presentation requirement for my students.

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