Parent/ Student Information

Letter to Parents

Welcome to the Grade 7 Visual Arts online classroom. My role as teacher will be to expose students to the world of art. Students will gain a greater appreciation for art examining its rich history including famous artists, art movements and a variety of techniques.

All lessons will be designed around the overall and specific expectations in the Ontario Visual Arts curriculum.

Art will take place on Mondays and Thursdays each week for one forty minute period (total of eighty minutes every week). Due to the limited time and the nature of a rotary system, I have created a visual arts course outline. 

Every student will receive an course outline which will break down each art lesson into the topic (concept, artist or theory) to be covered in each the class and due dates for assignments.

An assignment outline will be given to every student. The outline will clearly state the goal of the project including links to curriculum expectations, a brief description of the assignment (what I expect) and evaluation. All assignments will be uploaded to this website so you know what is happening in the classroom and what is expected of your son/ daughter. 

I look forward to working in partnership with you and your son/ daughter this year.

Letter to Students

Welcome Grade 7 students to your new Visual arts online classroom.This website will be your life source for visual arts this year. I will be posting all classroom information on the website. It is your responsibility to ensure you are visiting the site and exploring the resources regularly

I will be posting the following information weekly:

  • Course outline (Class topics and assignment due dates)
  • Assignments (descriptions, expectations and evaluations ) 
  • Resources (Images, Youtube links)
Each class we will be exploring different artists, art movements and techniques. In addition we will have the opportunity to work hands on with a variety of materials, experiment and create interesting, dynamic and expressive art pieces. 

I am excited to get to know and learn from you this year!

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